Suicide Bomber - Intifadart

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Artists' Statement: Suicide bombing is one of the worst trends that spread out within the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, and was equally harmful to both sides. So, as part of the Sustainability of Palestine Project-Intifadart, the thoughts of a suicide bomber were laid out as an explosion to represent the chain of thoughts that drove him/her to commit those actions. The point of this poster is that words/discussion/debate are more powerful and effective than deadly, random attacks.
Admin Notes

Here are some of the items and data that make for a complete and useful page at the PPPA site. If you are submitting a poster please try to fill in as much of this information as possible. You may submit more than one poster without filling in this form multiple times. For multiple submissions, click here: Thanks!

PLEASE put the complete URL of the poster you are writing about HERE if it is already featured at the PPPA. This will ensure that we are all talking about the same poster. THANKS!

Format – We only upload JPEGs to the PPPA site. If you want your poster to be downloadable and reprinted by the public please submit a high resolution PDF IN ADDITION to the JPEG.

Title of the poster
Suicide Bombing
Name of the artist/designer
Mazin Chabayta
Nationality of artist/designer
Artists’ email address
Artists’ web address
Name of Publisher
Mazin Chabayta
Publisher’s web site
Year of publication

Dimensions of poster (inches or cm)
A0 (118.9 cm X 84.1 cm)
Country where was the poster printed?
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Was your poster part of a contest or exhibition?
Allude by Intifadart
What languages are used/visible in the poster?
Translation of all text

Artists’ statement/Interpretation of imagery (please tell us what the icons, images, colors, etc. mean to you)
Suicide bombing is one of the worst trends that spread out within the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, and was equally harmful to both sides of the conflict. So, as part of the sustainability of Palestine project, Intifadart, the thoughts of a suicide bomber were laid out as an explosion to represent the chain of thoughts that drove him to commit those actions, however, words could be louder than murders.
Was this poster printed-on-paper or is it a “digital only” poster?
Have you done any other Palestine posters? If yes, we invite you to submit them as well regardless of age, theme, etc.

If it was printed the PPPA would like to have three copies for the permanent Archives. If you would like to send us copies here is the address we will pay postage from locations served by FEDEX. Please indicate here if you would to submit copies. (Mention Georgetown University Special Collection?)

Posters submitted with complete data are usually uploaded within 30 days.


Dan Walsh, Curator