Sun of Liberation

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (text on Sun) The Sun of liberation(text from top to bottom) TunisCairoJerusalemManamaAdenTripoliDamascusCurator's note: The subtext of this poster is that the popular uprisings in the cities of the Arab world – the Arab Spring – reverberate within historic Palestine and that Palestinians consider themselves to be an intrinsic part of that movement. By re-locating the flash points of the Arab Spring within the geographical footprint of historic Palestine the artist suggests the idea of a reciprocal, mutually supportive relationship between Palestinian political action, most prominently the Intifada, and the Arab Spring.DJW
Admin Notes

ya you agree with my analysis of your poster? al akh dan

Dan Walsh
11:09 PM (4 hours ago)

to Riyad

Riyad Hamad
3:27 AM (38 minutes ago)

to me
yes rafeeqy i agree with you thank you for the nice text i like it so much