No. 23 in The Palestinian PosterThese posters prefer expression on the events and embody the heroic reality of the folk Egyptian human that is the representative of the new phase. The posters in this period are significantly characterized by the heroic aspect, the tangibility of the artistic idea and the clearness of the artistic language as they address the wide public. From the artistic technicality aspect, they have been subject to the limits of the artistic experience at the poster drawers and the printing potential. The poster drawn by Ezzat under the slogan of “Fighting is forced upon us and surrender will not be forced upon us. One heart, one target, one man” (1956) that is dedicated for defending Port Said is one of the most significant posters in that period. In this poster, the artist has used the red and black colors that are widely spread in the Egyptian press in that time, utilizing their emotional and visual strength. For mobilizing the people to defend the country, the artist chooses as a call an enthusiastic part of the speech of the well-beloved leader and the president Gamal Abdel Nasser that expresses the challenge spirit against invaders. The artist embodies his artistic idea derived from the text in form of an armed row from the representatives of the people classes and their social categories that are included in the National Union that is the sole public political organization at that time. When the artist draws persons in that row with the white color with explicit black lines and without shading between upper black area and low red one, this has given an aspect of the liberation flag that is revolution flag at that time. The harmony of soft lines that have been used in drawing the persons with the color space in the flag is given in later years in the poster of the Palestinian revolution poster as one of the successful artistic solutions.
Surrender Will Never Be Imposed On Us
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:Fighting has been imposed on usSurrender will never be imposed on usOne heart - one goal - one manCurator's note: This quote is from a famous speech given by Gamal Abdul Nasser during the 1956 Suez Crisis. This poster is described by Shafiq Radwan in his book "The Palestinian Poster" as having played a role, based in its use of the colors in Egypt's national flag - red, white and black (this is a black and white copy) and the depiction of ordinary people arrayed as a "front" in the design of subsequent Palestinian revolutionary posters.
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