FW: שמיר-כרזות Inbox X Yoram E. Shamir My friend Eran found these Shamir posters at Lavon Institute. _______________... 2:22 PM (15 hours ago) Reply Dan Walsh to Yoram show details 6:10 PM (11 hours ago) WOW! Those three posters are so powerful. Your uncle and dad had an amazing sense of balance, action and color. Also (very important) story-telling. Q: Were these posters you had seen before or were they surprises to you? Dan PS: I have already Photosh 2011/6/6 Yoram E. Shamir - Show quoted text - Reply Forward Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 3:51 AM (1 hour ago) Title: SWIMMIMG CHAMPIONSHIP Artists: Shamir Brothers Year: 1943 Publisher: Ha-Poel Note: Ha-Poel is the sport association of the General Federation of Hebrew Workers (Histadrut) Title: EIGHTH HA-POEL GAMES Artists: Shamir Brothers Year; !966 Publisher: Ha-Poel Subtitle: Kaf Tamuz ( 20th day of the 10th month in the Jewish calendar – anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl) Subtitle: HIS HANDS WROUGHT IN THE WORK AND WITH THE OTHER HAND HELD A WEAPON Note: Biblical quotation: Nehemiah 4, 17 Artists: Shamir Brothers Year: 1938 Publisher: Ha-Poel
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