Dear Bettina and Alessia.... Inbox x Dan Walsh Jul 20 to bettina.richter, alessia.contin Well, the good news is that against all the odds...this exhibit actually went up and it is SO popular and this is a total miracle to me because, well, because it took place in Palestine. Palestine is not just a place, you see. It is a concrete surrealism. The simplest things take forever and really complex activities occur all by themselves. Of course, we did get your hi res image (I used it to replace the image that was in the PPPA - see it here: So, unfortunately, the file you sent us was not included in the final mix of posters for the exhibit "Tale of Revolution". Why? you ask? Well the short answer is: "Because this is Palestine" This exhibit was so "inclusive". Amer Shomali and I organized/curated/photoshopped/researched all the graphics at his house in Ramallah which is really like the central train station in Zurich for artists, activists, writers, journalists, et. al, so the WHOLE time we were curating we were having to argue and defend our choices because EVERYONE in Palestine has opinions about the posters and no one hesitates for a moment to just walk in and become a "co-curator". So we finally got all the graphics, including Elisabetta Carboni's and sent the files off to the printer who created the long panels you see in the photos. BUT....BUT....remember, this is Palestine so nothing is what it appears to be. THE PRINTER also had a passion for co-curating and since he does tons of posters and considers himself to be as qualified as anyone else and because in Palestine there is no "me" space...only "we" space" (which in the normal (abnormal) way of life under Occupation is actually sweet, and loving and so great and it pulls people together that I think only an Occupation can and people share everything and no one is a stranger and if someone is sitting down to eat and ten people show up then all ten eat whatever was for the one guy and no one says anything and the generosity of Palestinians is something magical and deep and I hope they never lose it but anyway... THE PRINTER GOT THE LAST WORD ON WHICH POSTERS got into the exhibit. And since he LOVES Marc Rudin/Jihad Mansour and Hilmi ElTouni...he removed two images including Elisabetta's and another one and put in two each for these artists so that is the story. Of course we screamed and yelled but it was too late and everyone was actually laughing because the printer simply could not help himself: these posters have a very strong and special connection with the people here (can you believe it has been up for like two weeks and NO vandalism or grafitti?) He acted out of love and passion and not egoism or spite. There are just no dividing lines in Palestine: people are so close and share everything so automatically, so immediately, so naturally that this kind of interaction, which would drive one mad anywhere else is actually a saving grace: it explains how they endure and stay human. Can you spot the two posters by each of them? So...I want to make it up to you. I want to thank you for your effort so soon I will be going through a ton of Palestine posters and I will send MDZ a roll of Palestine posters as my way of saying thank you for your solidarity and for taking the time to help us when we needed it. We will use the file you sent in future exhibits and give MDZ a credit and I will send you the url's and links. You are both very good people. hugs, Dan Jul 24 to me Dear Dan, thank you for your nice and funny report of the difficulties and oddities you encountered putting up the exhibit! It’s a very interesting project and I admire your courage and commitment. So, whenever you need our help with some posters, just contact us! All the best from Zurich Alessia Von: Dan Walsh [] Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Juli 2012 12:36 An: Richter Bettina; Contin Alessia Betreff: Dear Bettina and Alessia.... Jul 24 to contact, me Dear Dan many thanks for your long mail! It’s all very interesting, what you write about the passion of all Palestine people to give her part to the exhibition ! Don’t worry, it’s not a problem for us !!! I think Marc Rudin would be very glad to know that the printer has chosen his poster ! I will tell him, when I see him next time! And many thanks for sending us new posters. We are curious to see them! best wishes, Bettina
Tale of Revolution Exhibit - 1
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Ramallah Municipality parking lot - Ramallah, Palestine - June 24th, 2012
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The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
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