Arabic translation:
All efforts are towards achieving a unified/united Palestinian Women's Organization
Special thanks to Ted Swedenburg for facilitating this gift collection
I love this on a thousand levels... Inbox x Dan Walsh 3/15/12 to Rochelle, catherine I imagined a brief animated movie.... The orange is picked and taken into an Israeli house. When picked it had no qubba...but soon after the design emerged. This happened everywhere the oranges sere shipped...nature's way of exercising free speech. Its like its a village in there. Rochelle Davis 3/15/12 to me, catherine yes, a beautiful thought ... Dan Walsh 3/15/12 to Karen ...thanks for sharing. Jamal is a good friend. Catherine Baker 3/15/12 Great image for your embroidered bags. Embroidery of embroidery. 3/15/12 to me hey Dan. cool. is this how Jamal told you the design came about? I am sending the link to the posters i gave you that put up to my friend Ali who is now back living in Damascus. i will see if he knows of anyone with poster collections that could be given to you.' best, Karen In a message dated 3/15/2012 3:22:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: ...thanks for sharing. Jamal is a good friend. I imagined a brief animated movie.... The orange is picked and taken into an Israeli house. When picked it had no qubba...but soon after the design emerged. This happened everywhere the oranges sere shipped...nature's way of exercising free speech. Its like its a village in there. Dan Dan Walsh 3/15/12 to Kbuck1159 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 9:46 PM, wrote: hey Dan. cool. is this how Jamal told you the design came about? Karen, No...that is my response to the poster. One of my field researchers did some interviews with Jamal two years ago in Ramallah...he is still active.