A Tax For Our Security

Admin Notes

DONE... BUT.... Inbox X Reply Dan Walsh to Yoram show details 1:10 PM (3 hours ago) http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/a-tax-for-our-security ...do you have any idea as to the publisher and date? Dan PS: One day we will have a comprehensive Shamir Bros. Special Collection....you think? Reply Forward Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 2:04 PM (2 hours ago) The year is correct. It was published either the Jewish Agency or by the Israeli Government. It depends on the accurate date (year and month). I am asking the Shenkar Institute to check it and will return to you. From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 8:11 PM To: Yoram E. Shamir Subject: DONE... BUT.... - Show quoted text -

Do you think... Inbox X Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/a-tax-for-our-security ...that m... 10:18 AM (2 hours ago) Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 1:00 PM (10 minutes ago) You are right. This poster was designed by the Shamir Bros.. I have found an advertisement with identical design and it was signed by Shamir. From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 5:19 PM To: Yoram E. Shamir Subject: Do you think... http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/a-tax-for-our-security ...that maybe this is by the Shamir Brothers?

Product/Item Name: A Tax for Our Protection Our Price: $3,200.00 Tax: Including tax Shipping Cost: $10.00 Delivery Time: 14 Business Days CAT#: Epo200 Manufacturer Name: Vintage military posters Israel original old art Out of stock! Larger image More info Size Cm: 99x37.2 cm Size Inch: 39"x15" inch Technique Year 1948 Condition Good Signature Description: This product is currently unavilibale. If you want us to search it for please contact us.

DONE... BUT.... Inbox X Reply Dan Walsh to Yoram show details 1:10 PM (17 hours ago) http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/a-tax-for-our-security ...do you have any idea as to the publisher and date? Dan PS: One day we will have a comprehensive Shamir Bros. Special Collection....you think? Reply Forward Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 2:04 PM (16 hours ago) The year is correct. It was published either the Jewish Agency or by the Israeli Government. It depends on the accurate date (year and month). I am asking the Shenkar Institute to check it and will return to you. From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 8:11 PM To: Yoram E. Shamir Subject: DONE... BUT.... - Show quoted text - Reply Forward Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 3:02 AM (3 hours ago) Publisher: The Jewish Agency