Keren Tel Hay New Zionist Posters x Dan Walsh 11:18 PM (15 hours ago) to me Mif'al Hanukah 1942 – Keren Tel Hay, Linoleum, Zvi Bergman, Signon Cooperative Press, 1942. An Impressive poster. The illustration shows a "Beitar" member holding an Israeli flag and removing a yellow wristband with an illustration of a "star of David" from the arm of a Jew from the Diaspora. In the background appears a map of Israel. Tel Hai fund was a fund for raising and distributing money used by the Revisionist Zionist Movement. The fund was established in London 1929 after the 1929 riots to support Hebrew Defense in Eretz Israel and to educate the Zionist youth for self defense. Youth movement members actively raised money for the fund which competed with the activities of JNF. The “Hanukkah Project" was founded on December 29 1935, the “Doar Hayom” newspaper stated then: "On Kislev 26 fund raising began throughout Eretz Israel for Tel Hay fund. This fund is dedicated mainly to establish the central building for the institutions of the National Labor Movement, the Workers’ Union, National Workers’ Sick Fund, which will be built on a plot in King George St. that will be rented from Tel Aviv Municipality. This appeal will not only be held Eretz Israel but in all the countries in the Diaspora for this purpose". 68X49 cm. Good condition. Folded, few stains
Tel Hai Fund
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70 X 50 cm
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