Tela Amir - Tel al-Zaatar

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: Tela Amir s a strategic hill overlooking Tel al-Zaatar where there was once a Palestinian refugee camp This poster was published by the Lebanese Forces, a right-wing sectarian faction that was hostile to the Palestinian presence in Lebanon and which laid seige to the camp in 1976 Unlike the other posters in the Tel al-Zaatar Special Collection which memorialize the the camp's defenders this poster was published by the camp's besiegers
Admin Notes


Lebanese Political Poster - Tallat Almeer - Tal Alzaatar - 13 April 1980

Poster ID: CL69783

Category: Political / Protest

Year: 1980s

Country: Lebanese

Size: 23 x 35 inches = 58 x 88 cm

Condition: Fair

Price: $200

Fair to good condition, some foxing and paper loss, can be restored. Published by the Lebanese Forces. Tallat Almeer and Tal Alzaatar were two Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon that were the sites of massacres in the 70s during the Lebanese Civil War