Tenacious Pursuit of Victory

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Arabic translation:

Operation Galilee

The tenacious pursuit of victory


Special thanks to Ted Swedenburg for facilitating this gift collection

Admin Notes

No. 147 in The Palestinian Poster

In 2001, the PFLP-GC carried out one major attack on Golan Heights settlements, but Syria did not claim responsibility and allegedly reproached Jibril. In 2002, the group launched attacks in western Galilee. However, although the PFLP-GC is suspected, there was insufficient evidence to tie the group or any of its state sponsors to the attack. That same year, the PFLP-GC launched rockets into Israel, protesting Syria's exclusion from U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's Middle East tour. After a series of crisis talks, Lebanon made public promises to restrain the PFLP-GC in the future. Since then, the PFLP-GC has not launched any further attacks, although the group continues to talk tough and provide arms and training to Palestinian groups. http://www.cdi.org/terrorism/pflp-gc.cfm