Time To Stop Settler Violence

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: A three year old child was wounded in a terror attack. It is time to stop settler violence. __________________________________________
Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

An ad campaign by a group of Israeli human rights organizations – Breaking the Silence, Peace Now, Yesh Din, Warriors for Peace and others – demanding that the Defense Minister and Minister of Internal Security put an end to settler violence was removed from major Israeli bus companies Egged and Dan yesterday, October 4.
The campaign referred to a major pogrom carried out by 80 to 100 settlers in several villages of the South Hebron hills last week, on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, centering on the village of Mufqarah. The pogromchiks wounded a three-year-old child, who was hospitalized, and caused severe damage to vehicles and houses. Three of the attackers were arrested by the police, but released by the courts. The child, identified as Muhammad Bakker Mahmoud Hamamdeh was hospitalized in Beersheba, in Israel, and later released, the Jerusalem Post reports.
