307 Poster – Felix Bressart at the ‘Eden’ 08. Posters
“Coming Soon” – Felix Bressart at the ‘Eden’ movie theater in his latest film “Today is the best day of my life” ("Heut' ist der schönste Tag in meinem Leben"), with participation of Jewish Holocaust victim Josef Schmidt (1904-1942) and Otto Walburg. The name of the movie is also written in German. The movie was produced in 1936.
Josef Schmidt was a famous Jewish Tenor and actor who died in 1942, while fleeing the Nazis, at the age of 38.
63x95 cm.
Very good condition. Folding lines and stains.
Opening- $120http://www.kedem-auctions.com/en/auction-items/23417/08.%20Posters
Today Is the Best Day of My Life
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
German translation: Coming Soon – Felix Bressart at the Eden movie theater in his latest film: “Today is the best day of my life.” With the participation of Holocaust victim Josef Schmidt (1904-1942) and Otto Walburg.
Josef Schmidt was a famous Jewish Tenor and actor who died in 1942, while fleeing the Nazis, at the age of 38
Artist / Designer / Photographer
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The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
63 x 95 cm
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