Toufic Abdul-Al's Legacy Web Site

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


Toufic produced many drawings in black and white, in which he used newspapers, especially in Al Hourriya Magazine which was issued in Beirut. 

Toufic used his own style in these drawings, using flowing and flexible lines that twist and turn into successive curves, occasionally interrupted with some decorations that imprint them with tenderness and kindness, despite its revolutionary or tragic subject matters. The biggest portion of these works are dedicated to the woman, spirit and body, followed by the horse, the fighter, then some Palestinian symbols such as the cross, the swallow bird, and the cactus plant. 

Toufic also has a more intimate collection which he drew using a pencil; it depicts of the body of woman from all aspects and angles, as if he is searching for her essence and her deepest secrets. There are also other works by Toufic that are not directly connected to the theme of his artistic experience; he drew those abstract and colorful drawings in order to go deep into his graphic research and to support it with distinctive technical givens.
