Toward Freedom (Palestine)

Admin Notes

Message from the Palestine Poster Project Archives






Dan Walsh 

Feb 6 (2 days ago)


to tlemahieu





Hello Thomas,

Let me begin by saying that I think the work you have done on "Des affiches pour Gaza: l'intégrale" is spectacular and I salute your solidarity with Palestine! Great work!


I would like to add all of the posters/related materials of "Des affiches pour Gaza: l'intégrale"  to the PPPA, of course with links to your site for everything.


We need somewhat higher res jpegs for each poster. The jpegs available at your site are only 24 kb and we like to enlarge them a bit at PPPA and the lo res jpegs don't enlarge very well.  


Q: Can you send us hi res jpegs for each poster?




Q: Can you send us two copies of the newspaper(s) that feature the posters?


We will gladly pay postage, give full credits and create a new Special Collection at the PPPA:égrale


We would also like to send you one of these:


If interested, please send us a maililng address.




Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA







Thomas Lemahieu 

7:25 AM (2 hours ago)


to me, tlemahieu





Hi Dan,


Thanks for your mail! As you may think, the PPPA has been a great source of inspiration for us in this project. So happy to help in return. I'm not at l'Humanité in the next days, but i'll send you the HR files as soon as possible. And i'm going to find some copies of our special issue with the posters for gaza and send them to you... What is your postal adress? Mine: Thomas Lemahieu, l'Humanité, 5 rue Pleyel, 93528 Saint-Denis cedex, France


In solidarity, all the best,



Le 6 févr. 2015 à 18:02, Dan Walsh a écrit :