Transporte Al Paradiso

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Transporte al paraiso
New Zionist Posters

Dan Walsh
1:11 AM (2 hours ago)

to me
Title: Transporte al paraiso- Czech film . Director: Zbynek Brynych . Designer:?
This REPRODUCTION print is part of a limited edition of cuban movieposters made especially for the 17th Cinema Festival of Havana in 1995.This POSTER measures approximately 13x19 inches -33x48 centimeters- witha white margin all around. It is printed on Collectible & Decorative with the embossedlogo of ICAIC (Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industrias Cinematograficas) and labeled in the back -XVIIFestival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, La Habana, Cuba,Diciembre 5-15, 1995. Edicion Limitada de Carteles Cubanos. Cortesia deProductora Cinematografica ICAIC, 1995-

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