The JNF staff continued to develop and distribute written forms of propaganda. In these cases they were on solid and familiar ground, as distinct from the case with other forms, such as visual propaganda, which had developed rapidly since the beginning of the twentieth century. The improvements and technological innovations in printing pictures in news- papers and books, and the different forms of projecting images, were not lost on the JNF people.
From the very creation of the organisation there had been awareness of the existence of visual media and the possibilities of exploiting it for the purposes of Zionist propaganda. In the period under study we do indeed detect attempts to develop a new approach to the Jewish and Zionist world of the time through the exploitation of visual propaganda in its various forms: pictures, stamps, transparencies, filmstrips, movies, and the like.
Source: "Propaganda and Zionist Education - The Jewish National Fund 1924–1947", by Yoram Bar-Gal (2003)