Arabic translation:
(word on book cover)
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The Trinity of Fundamentals tells the fictionalized story of Rafeedie’s experience of evading the Occupation between 1982 to 1991. It is written and told from the perspective of Kan’an Subhi, a 22-year-old Palestinian man who forgoes the most fundamental aspects of life—including human companionship and his engagement—in order to serve the Palestinian revolution as a leader in hiding. The novel places Kan’an’s decision to go into hiding within a larger historical context: as part of a strategy of the Palestinian movement—following its exile from Lebanon in 1982—to protect leadership from imprisonment and repression at the hands of the Israeli state.
This strategy marked an important transitional stage: The movement needed to build new and different tools and tactics of struggle and organization after 1982. The tactic of going into hiding in Palestine was unheard of at the time, and Kan’an faced the difficulty of explaining this decision to both his fiancée and his mother, who did not understand why he would not just turn himself in and serve a few years in prison as he had already done and as was the common approach at the time.