Two Lions

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (black text at top) I have no worries since I'm being killed as a Muslim In the way/path of Allah will be my death (white text in middle of poster) Two lions from among the Prophet's (Muhammad) soldiers Are gone and have departed us But they've left behind them An impending earthquake of heroism The soldiers of the Prophet  Are Coming from all angles Swarming And with their light They'll extinguish the oppression/darkness of the Jews (Zionists) 
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Poster published (probably in 2004) by the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan commemorating the assassinations of Hamas leaders Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and Abdul-Aziz al-Rantisi. The poster features Palestinian and Hamas flags along with a shattered menorah and it is signed at the bottom "Muslim Brotherhood - Neighborhood of Nazzal and al-Akhdar (Amman, Jordan)" along with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas logo. Translation: "I have no concern as I'm being killed as a Muslim, In the way of Allah will be my fatality" (Note: this was one of the last words of Khubaib bin Adi, one of the Prophet Muhammad's companions, as he was killed) "Two lions from the Prophet's soldiers are gone but behind them is an impending earthquake The soldiers of Muhammad will come from all sides and with their light they will turn off the darkness of the Jews" This poster is from my personal collection of Palestinian revolutionary memorabilia Kind regards, Abdullah Hindash



Hey brother,

So with this poster the most top two lines of text above the flags is a saying by Khubaib bin Adi: 

"I have no worries since I'm being killed as a Muslim
In the way of Allah will be my death"
(I paraphrased this from this website that has an english translation of the saying 

The poster is comparing the death of the Prophet's companion with the deaths of Yassin and Rantisi since they were content with their assassinations, Rantisi famously said that he prefers to be killed by an Apache helicopter as was what happened in 2004

The rest of the 9 lines of text in the center of the poster is not a said by anyone specifically, its translated as follows (someone could perhaps give a better translation than me):

"Two lions from the Prophet's (Muhammad) soldiers
Are gone and have departed us
But they've left behind them
an impending earthquake of heroism
The soldiers of the Prophet 
Coming from all angles
And with their light
They'll extinguish the oppression of the Jews"

And at the very bottom under the logos of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas it says

"Muslim Brotherhood - Nazzal and al-Akhdar"

Nazzal and al-Akhdar are two neighborhoods in Amman, so this poster is published by the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan which makes sense that I got it from Jordan 

I hope this is of good use ya rafeeq

Kindest regards from Abdullah Hindash