Unity of the Revolutionary Rifles

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Alex Shams

Alex Shams is an editor of Ajam Media Collective. He is a writer and anthropologist with a PhD from the University of Chicago. His research focuses on culture, politics, and religion in the contemporary Middle East. He previously worked as a journalist based in Palestine.

In the 1970s, the Palestinian cause attracted the attention and solidarity of leftist movements worldwide. Amid the broader decolonization of Asia and Africa, the Israeli occupation of Palestine and Palestinians’ struggle for their homeland became an international cause célèbre. Especially in the wake of the 1967 war, the Palestinian cause was seen as a struggle for decolonization. This analysis was famously espoused in the 1975 UN resolution decrying Zionism as racism and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa.

In Iran, revolutionary movements that opposed the authoritarian rule of the US-backed Shah championed the Palestinian cause. They saw Palestine as a shared struggle against Western imperialism. The Shah’s government had developed extensive economic ties with Israel. The Shah’s feared secret police SAVAK received training from both the CIA and Israeli Mossad. Simultaneously, Israel organized tours for Iranian intellectuals in the hope of improving its reputation. Noted Iranian intellectual Jalal Al-e Ahmad, for example, visited Israel as part of a government-funded trip and even wrote a book about the experience.



