UNRWA Announces Human Rights Poster Contest Winners

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Admin Notes

UNRWA Poster Contest Inquiry




Dan Walsh 

3:22 PM (15 hours ago)


to gazapio, n.dagher, bcc: s.mshasha





Dear Milina and Nader,

We are the Palestine Poster Project Archives (PPPA) and we are writing because we would like to help celebrate and honor the Palestinian artists who participated in the recent UNRWA poster contest:








We want to offer UNRWA a Special Collection at the PPPA and also to help publicize the event in subsequent years.


Would you be so kind as to forward this email to the appropriate UNRWA office/officer?


tadamon wa shokran,


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA


PS: May I ask that you forward the attached doc from UNESCO/MOW to the UNRWA Photo and Film Archives? We do not have an email address for them and our project has been nominated and linked to the Photo and Film Archives and we think there is much room for collaboration. Thanks!