Uprising Continues - Remix

Admin Notes

Dear Dan this some things you need 1- Alrakoui contacts: www.aljaleelpal.com it's in Arabic and you can have contacts in the home page, I will call his son to contact you. 2- Zuhdi will come to my office and visit me and, he don't know his email address but he will ask his friend for one. 3- Abed Almouti AbouZaid, the head the Palestine artiest : abdabozaid@gmail.com salam Hazem


[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]






Fernando Sancho 

Oct 28 (2 days ago)


to me






Submitted on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 09:51
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Fernando Sancho
Your e-mail address: biladi@biladipalestina.org
My name is Fernando Sancho and I,m writting you from Biladi Palestinian
Cultural Assocition. www.biladipalestina.org
I will like to contact with painter Mohammed Roukwie, the autor of this
poster to aski him for permission to use it for a title page of a book about
the palestinian women,s movement.
Many thanks in advance

The results of this submission may be viewed at:





Dan Walsh 

Oct 28 (2 days ago)


to biladi






Hello Fernando,


Mohammed lives in Syria, Yarmouk Camp, which is under attack and almost destroyed. I doubt he has internet and he is a good friend of mine and speaking for him I am sure he would grant you permission and if there is any royaltie or user fee that you can pay him set it aside and if I hear from him I will tell him about your book and put him in touch with you, ok?


Please send us a copy of the book when it is published. Please be sure to give credit for him in the book and send us a jpeg of the cover too, ok?


en solidaridad,


Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA




Asociación Palestina Biladi

Oct 28 (2 days ago)


to me






Hello Dan


Thanks so much for your quick answer.


For sure I will send you a JPEG of the cover copy and put his name and the source.


Unfortunately we are run out of money but if we have the chance to do it I will write you with it. Also I will send a book for you.

May you gave me an address to do it please?


Hopefully the book will be ready on next February.


I want to congratulate for your excellent work and for your excellent collection, it is really very important job Dan.


En solidaridad


Fernando Sancho.



Fernando Sancho

Asociación Palestina BILADI

c/ Ronda 1,1ºD, 48005 Bilbao

Tel 94 404 95 50/ 630 57 46 07



De: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com] 
Enviado el: martes, 28 de octubre de 2014 13:23
Para: biladi@biladipalestina.org
Asunto: Fwd: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]




Asociación Palestina Biladi

Oct 28 (2 days ago)


to me






Sorry again Dan


Could you send me a better copy of Mohammed Roukwie,s poster? I mean with more quality for the print…


Many thanks




De: Asociación Palestina Biladi [mailto:biladi@biladipalestina.org] 
Enviado el: martes, 28 de octubre de 2014 13:46
Para: 'Dan Walsh'
Asunto: RE: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]


Hello Dan


Thanks so much for your quick answer.


For sure I will send you a JPEG of the cover copy and put his name and the source.


Unfortunately we are run out of money but if we have the chance to do it I will write you with it. Also I will send a book for you.

May you gave me an address to do it please?


Hopefully the book will be ready on next February.


I want to congratulate for your excellent work and for your excellent collection, it is really very important job Dan.


En solidaridad


Fernando Sancho.



Fernando Sancho

Asociación Palestina BILADI

c/ Ronda 1,1ºD, 48005 Bilbao

Tel 94 404 95 50/ 630 57 46 07



De: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com] 
Enviado el: martes, 28 de octubre de 2014 13:23
Para: biladi@biladipalestina.org
Asunto: Fwd: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]


Hello Fernando,




Dan Walsh 

Oct 28 (2 days ago)


to Asociación






Sorry again Dan


Could you send me a better copy of Mohammed Roukwie,s poster? I mean with more quality for the print…


Many thanks





yes, I can do that but not now ... write to me again next week and I will send it, seguro.




Dan Walsh 

11:26 AM (0 minutes ago)


to Asociación






in solidarity,
