P1030742 DWPO.2009.020 Villages and Palaces Maydan Theater Palestine 2009 68.0 x 48.2 Theater, folktales, novel Light orange background with drawing in center in a frame of man and woman riding a wooden horse, text all around, white strip at bottom Al-Maydan Theater [UR, with logo, in Arabic]/ al-Maydan Theater Presents:/ Village Talk and Palace Talk [top center]/ Cast:/ Hanan Hilu/ Rabi' Khury/ Hannah Shammas/ 'Anat Hadid/ Hasan Taha/ Nidhal Badarnah [right side, in Arabic]/ Prepared and Directed by:/ Nabil 'Azir/ Scenography:/ Ashraf Hanna/ Music Composition:/ Rimone Haddad/ Lighting:/ Nizar Khamrah/ Makeup:/ Najdiyyah Ibrahim [left, in Arabic]/ Based on the stories of Salam al-Rasi [lower center]/ Day/ Time/ Stage/ For Tickets [bottom center, in white band, left blank to be filled in]/. مسرح الميدان\ مسرح الميدان يقدم:\ حكي قرايا وحكي سرايا\ تمثيل:\ حنان حلو\ ربيع خوري\ حنا شماس\ عنات حديد\ حسن طه\ نضال بدارنة\ اعداد وأخراج:\ نبيل عازر\ سينوغرافيا:\ أشرف حنا\ توزيع أغاني:\ ريمون حداد\ أضاءة: نزار خمرة\ ماكياج:\ نجدية أبراهيم\ عن حكايا سلام الراسي\ يوم\ الساعة\ على مسرح\ للحجز\. Poster Single small hole at UL, LL, LR corners and bottom edge, two small holes at UR corner Arabic Dan Walsh
Village Tales and Palace Tales
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Circa 2005
Special Collection
Published In
Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
68.0 x 48.2 cm
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