Curator's note:
A video of an IDF soldier pasting this poster on a wall in Gaza may be viewed here
Hello wake up!
It is time for change. The Seven Commandments of the Sons of Noah as mentioned in the Torah must be observed:
No killing - whoever kills will die in hell!
Belief in one God, it is forbidden to curse God, do not rape, do not steal
To call 077-7767470
For video, it became the oud
It is forbidden to eat animal organs and I will establish a judicial and justice system
Leave weapons and war, the world is not a jungle, prepare to make the world a better place
And the land of Israel is an eternal inheritance forever lost to the chosen people, an eternal land for the eternal people from the eternal Lord according to what is written in the eternal Torah as He promised us to our father Abraham from the Nile to the Euphrates.