War Against Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Imperialism wages war against Palestine
Admin Notes



Faris Shomali

Sat, Apr 8, 1:08 PM (4 days ago)


to me








I sent to yousef abdelki on Instagram. Will let you know. 

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From: PPPA
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2023 9:02:02 PM
To: Faris Shomali
Subject: Re: shuf




Sat, Apr 8, 1:17 PM (4 days ago)

???? What does this mean? I do not have instagram. D


Faris Shomali
Sat, Apr 8, 1:20 PM (4 days ago)

I meant that I sent him a message asking him if this is his design. He hasn't replied yet. From: PPPA Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2023 9:17



Sat, Apr 8, 1:49 PM (4 days ago)


to Faris







Oh, I had no idea u had his number. D




Faris Shomali

8:04 AM (3 minutes ago)


to me








Yousef replied saying he is certain that it 8s by Nazir