A Warrior Bound For Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
A Warrior Bound for Palestine lyrics: A warrior bound for Palestine Ere arming for the war, Knelt low before Saint Mary's shrine It was the young Dunois; "Great Queen," so ran that warrior's pray'r, "Oh! grant the boon I crave. That I, who love the fairest fair, Prove bravest of the brave." Upon that sacred shrine he trac'd His fealty with his sword, Then flew to join with eager haste The standard of his Lord. And aye his cry was heard where'er Its folds were seen to wave, "True love to her the fairest fair! And glory to the brave!" "To you I owe the victory Dunois," exclaimed his Lord, "And now, brave youth, my task shall be Such valour to reward: Young Isabel, my pride, my care, As guerdon thou shalt have; For well deserves the fairest fair The bravest of the brave." And now, return'd from Palestine, Dunois receiv'd with pride Before Saint Mary's sacred shrine, His young and peerless bride: While from the thousand voices there Burst forth from Quire and Nave, "Alone should wed the fairest fair, The bravest of the brave." Composer: The Queen Hortense Lyricist: The Queen Hortense (English translation by W. H. Bellamy)
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Charles A. Kennedy"
Date: August 8, 2011 11:33:26 AM EDT
To: "Dan Walsh"
Subject: Re: The Palestine Poster Project Archives

That was quick!

The information you want, the cover artists, is on the covers only, not with the music itself (division of labor: the publisher does the front and back covers, the lyricist and composer the words and music). A future project for me is to list all the cover artists in the data base.

Here's the information readily at hand:

"A Warrior Bound for Palestine" no artist listed, only the publisher, Addison and H/Mollier, London.
"I'm Building A Palace in Palestine;" E. H. Pfeiffer. N.Y.
"My Rose of Palestine:" Starmer
"Palesteena/Lena from Palesteena:" Wohlman, N.Y.
"Palesteena" (Eddie Cantor):" Wohlman, N.Y.
""Palestine:" no artist listed (from embarrassment?) Kendis-Brockman Music Co.
"Rose of Palestine:" Wilson Art, Chi.

Hope this helps.

Speaking of posters: I have 5 posters from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation printed on heavy white stock ("End Israeli Apartheid"). If you can use them, send me your mailing address and I'll pass them along.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Walsh"
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 10:32 AM
Subject: The Palestine Poster Project Archives


Hello Charles,

My professor at Georgetown, Dr. Rochelle Davis, sent me the Arab Kitsch site which IS A TERRIFIC SITE, BTW.

I added several of the Palestine related sheet music graphics (see above) to the PPPA site which is my graduate thesis project.

Q: Assuming you have access the the originals would it be possible for you to shoot a macro/close up jpeg of all the artists' signatures? I would like to add that info the the PPPA entries. If there is no signature on the graphic might there be a mention of the artist on the inside of the sheet?


Dan Walsh