Water Is the Basis of Life

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Water is the basis of life so let us preserve it and let us use it well
Admin Notes

P1030178 DWPO.2010a.023 Water is the Basis of Life Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee Union of Agricultural Work Committee Palestine June-10 70.0 x 49.8 Agriculture, union, water resource, environment Circular photo in center of water (treatment facility?) and three agricultural project photos below, green background, thee logos above P.A.R.C./ 1983/ Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee [UL, in logo, in Arabic]/ I WILL MAINTAIN [upper center, in Dutch Coat of Arms logo, in French]/ UAWC [UR with logo]/ Water is the basis of life so let us preserve it/ and let us use it well [center, in Arabic]/. اتحاد لجان العمل الزراعي\ الاغاثة الزراعية الفلسطينية\ المياه اساس الحياة فلنحافظ عليها\ ولنحسن استخدامها\. Poster 1.7 cm tear near LL corner, heavy creasing at UR side of poster, with .9 cm tear Arabic Dan Walsh