I can send emails from this account to gmail. It’s a new anti-spam Google filter that makes sense but it prevents me from sending with a better server from my web site. The Clarion Alley page you had is correctly linked to SF Poster Syndicate. The posters on either side are our posters - I just meant to say they are something we printed in the alley while we were painting murals and the posters were not part of any mural.
Megan Wilson at CAMP <megan@meganwilson.com>
Attached is the Jenin poster, printed at the MECA Ride for Palestine event last month. Art Hazelwood, 2023, San Francisco Poster Syndicate, 19 1/2 x 12”, "We Stand with Jenin”, Ride for Palestine event with Middle East Children’s Alliance
The only comment on the Women of the Resistance page is some text corrections. The second paragraph. New text is in bold
The 38 screenprints in the portfolio includes one poster dedicated to each of the women plus a screenprint reproduction of the mural printed by Sun Night Editions. All prints in an edition of 20 were printed on Cougar Natural Smooth 100# Cover paper. The portfolio case is bound and designed by Sam Companatico and Asa Nakata, also has an explanatory graphic of the mural that shows who is represented, who the artist is and where the activist is in the mural. The portfolio sold out
Art Hazelwood