We Will Defend Ourselves

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:(text top left) Haifa 1941(text middle): Shelters, first-aid, fire extinguishingWe will defend ourselves(text bottom): Pay the "Defense Note", in coffee shops, restaurants, hotels and movie theaters
Admin Notes

Dan Walsh
4:49 PM (32 minutes ago)
Yoram E. Shamir to me
show details 5:08 PM (14 minutes ago)
Dan, I cannot open the attachment.
Gardening note – I think it is a mistake. The Hebrew is Tav Ginun.
Ginun in today's Hebrew is indeed gardening. Does it make sense that the people are called to pay "Gardening fee" during war, in a poster that declares: We shall defend ourselves?
I believe that ginun is an old form of .hagana =defence. If I am right, the name of the note should be: Defence Note.Begin forwarded message:

From: Jonathan Rose
Date: May 26, 2010 10:35:49 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Poster

Poster # 12

Top left shield: Haifa

Middle: Shelters, first-aid, fire extinguishing
We will defend ourselves

Bottom: Pay for the
"Gardening-note", in coffee shops, restaurants, hotels and movie theaters

* T”G- the acronyms of the "gardening-note". According to the archive of the state of Israel, the Gardening-note was a voluntary tax imposed by the board of the Jewish Community of Haifa on Jewish businesses in Haifa. The businesses paying the tax received in return an invoice and a “Gardening-note” label (shown on the top left corner of the poster) for display in their business. Maybe the initial purpose of the tax was to develop and maintain public gardening and that is why it was named the Gardening-note. later it was used for other purposes like those indicated in the poster. The archive record indicates that this tax was imposed at least until 09/1946.