P1020694 DWPO.2010b.051 Faisal Abdulkader al-Huseini Fateh Youth Organization Palestine Aug-10 69.9 x 49.9 al-Husseini, political leader, commemoration, Fatah, Jerusalem, martyr Photo of al-Husseini standing against a tree with hands folded, wearing a kuffiyyeh. We succeeded in imposing the issue of Jerusalem/ on the priorities on the political process/ and we will impose Jerusalem as the capital/ of the Palestinian State/ from the sayings of the heroic martyr/ Faisal Abdulkader al-Husseini [center right, in Arabic]/ National Palestinian Liberation Movement "Fatah"/ Jerusalem Province [LR, with logo, in Arabic]/ Fateh Youth Organization/ Jerusalem Province [LL, with logo, in Arabic]/. نجحنا في فرض موضوع القدس\ على اولويات العملية السياسية\ وسوف نفرض القدس عاصمة\ لدولة فلسطين\ من اقوال الشهيد البطل المناضل\ فيصل عبد القادر الحسيني\ حركة التحرير الوطنية الفلسطينية "فتح"\ إقليم القدس\ منظمة الشبيبة الفتحاوية\ إقليم القدس\. Poster Some creasing along entire right side of poster and at top left corner Arabic Dan Walsh
We Will Impose
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: We succeeded in imposing the issue of Jerusalem as a priority in the political process and we will impose Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.
Faisal Husseini
Artist / Designer / Photographer
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
69.9 x 49.9 cm
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