What Do These Brothers and Sister Have In Common?

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Indonesian translation: What do these brothers and sister have in common? 1. They're Gaza citizens 2. They're suffering of cancer 3. They received treatment too late for they had been forbidden to leave Gaza by the party who establishes the siege
Admin Notes

Dzikrullah W. Pramudya dzik@sahabatalaqsha.com via cpanel23.teamholistic.com
4:50 PM (8 hours ago)

to me
Submitted on Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 20:50

Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Dzikrullah W. Pramudya
Your e-mail address: dzik@sahabatalaqsha.com
Subject: Indonesian Poster (4)

Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/sites/aod/files/webform/uploads/he...

Artist/Graphic Designer:
Dzikrullah W. Pramudya
Fundraising Campaign to Help "Al-Huda Cancer Center" in Gaza City
Main Text (Indonesian Language):
"What Are These Our Brothers and Sister in Common?"
1. They're Gaza citizens
2. They're suffering of cancers
3. They received treatment too late for they had been forbidden to leave Gaza by the party who establishes the siege
Sahabat Al-Aqsha Indonesia (www.SahabatAlAqsha.com), Al-Sarraa Foundation for Humanitarian Relief, Palestine Cancer Patients' Friends, Al-Huda Cancer Center