What Do We Mean By Global Warming?

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: What can we do? Reduce our energy use because in every energy process there is additional production of carbon dioxide Recycle and reduce the production of solid waste and plant trees because this balances the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Use solar power
Admin Notes

P1030745 DWPO.2009.017 Global Warming Zan Studio Oxfam Quebec Canada 2009 4.8 x 67.1 Global Warming, Public Service Announcement, environment Cartoon of Earth with atmosphere and structures on it and little scientist at right side of poster, text on left What do we mean by Global Warming?/ [what follows is an extensive explanation (four paragraphs) about the phenomenon, its scientific process, and consequences] [left side of poster top to bottom]/ What can we do?/ Reducing in our energy use,/ because in every energy process there is additional production/ of carbon dioxide/ Recycling and reducing the production of solid waste/ planting trees, because this balances the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere/ Using solar power [LL]/ www.zanstudio.com [vert, right-center]/ Oxfam/ Quebec [LR with logo]/. ماذا نعني بالاحتباس الحراري؟\ ماذا نسطيع أن نعمل؟\ التقليل من استهلاك الطاقة,\ ففي كل عملية حرق انتاج أكثر\ لثاني أكسيد الكربون\ التدوير وتقليل انتاج النفايات الصلبة\ زراعة الأشجار,\ لأنها توازن نسبة تركيز ثاني أكسيد الكربون في الجو\ استخدام الطاقة الشمسية\. Poster Light fold at LL corner, light fold at UR corner with small tear, light horizontal fold at LR corner Arabic Dan Walsh