White Night - Black Night!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: This is not our show! We call on artists, musicians, street clowns and the public to not cooperate with the mayor's White Night June 28, 2012 Black Night!
Admin Notes

I thought this might be of interest to you. dan

Dan Walsh
Aug 3 (13 days ago)

to Bareket

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lahav Halevy
Date: Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 6:09 AM
Subject: White Night / Black Night
To: Dan Walsh

Hello DAn,

How are you?

This poster, along with all the attached are all mine.
This was a quick call and response campaign, done between Sat, June 23 and Thurs, June 28th, mainly over facebook, but with prints in the streets as well.

The night of the 28th was a The White Night, a cityhall organized occasion, with tons of performances in the streets of Tel Aviv, Galleries open all through the night and many hapenings.
The Friday before (22nd of June), the police and the special "City Police" that mayor Ron Huldai arranged, acted violently against protestors on Rothschild Blvd, beat them and ending in arresting 12 of them.

The day after, an architect friend called and said that we have to do something to fught it and naybe we should object the "White Night" if this is the way the mayor treats us.
So I did the first three posters, and we spread them through FB, to an amazing response, one of them had 90 shares in other peoples' pages, which is amazing.

On that Sat night (23rd) riots in Tel Aviv in response to the events the previous night were nuch more violent, ending in breaking glasses in banks, and with the police arresting 85 protestors.

This, naturally so, only helped, and as of Sunday morning, it was like a flood.
I did a new poster every few hours, calling participants of the White Night not to cooperate with hte cityhall.
We gathered a group of people, pressing on gallery owners, artists and musicians to drop out.

Eventually, almost all the galleries closed their gates on the white night, few musicians cancelled their shows, and many store owners, mainly fashion boutiques, closed too.

Great succes.

Most of the posters say things like - "This is not a White Night, this is Huldai's (the mayor) Laundrette", "Black is the night", "The show must not go on" and so on.

Many posters were done on the spot as a reaction to events as days went by, like, when it got bigger, I published a poster saying: "Ths is not a white night, this is a rolling snowball", or when someone quit from the white night, a special poster concrning the singer was published.
Many are based on common phrases in Hebrew, as the rest of my work.

There were 21 posters all in all.

This is part of what I do now, campaigning for human rights organizations and activists on various fields.
This is the link to my new business on facebook, website - soon:


(Me second from right with the hat on...)


http://972mag.com/artists-heed-israeli-protesters-call-to-boycott-tel-av...requesting image permission

Bareket Kezwer bareket.kezwer@gmail.com
1:55 PM (3 hours ago)

to david, me
שלום דוד,

I hope this e-mail finds you well.

I have been in touch with Dan Walsh, who you know from the Palestine Poster Project. He asked me for the high resolution images from my thesis. Since I received these images from you for my thesis, I felt I should ask your permission first. Please let me know if you have any concerns about having your images posted on Dan's site.

Thank you,

3 older messages

Bareket Kezwer 1:58 PM (3 hours ago)

Bareket Kezwer bareket.kezwer@gmail.com
4:48 PM (27 minutes ago)

to Lahav, me
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Lahav Halevy wrote:
Hi Bereket,

Dan is the one man that can get anything he wants regarding my work...
no problem
