Why We Say "Zionist Entity"

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

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Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


Sometimes, though, the debates are manufactured in bad faith.  Take the phrase “from the river to the sea.”  It was never controversial among Palestinians.  Zionists turned it into a national issue through manipulation and misinterpretation.  There is no reason for Palestinians to debate its use, then.  It’s part of our vocabulary.  Zionists need not like it.  In fact, it’s better if they don’t. 

The same is true of “the Zionist entity.”  It can sound clunky because it is an Arabic term translated into English, but some Anglophone Arabs (myself included) have maintained its usage as a form of rejection.  The term is disrespectful in just the right measure and implies that “Israel” is a temporary phenomenon haunted by something older and more lasting.  It evokes Palestine even when describing the occupier. 

