Witnesses to History: The Jewish Poster 1770-1985 A Selection from the Judah L Magnes Museum
New Zionist Posters
Dan Walsh
Aug 6 (6 days ago)
to me
out of print !
Witnesses to History: The Jewish Poster 1770-1985 A Selection from the Judah L Magnes Museum
Helzel, Florence B & Battat, Eileen Berkeley, California Judah L. Magnes Museum 1989 First Edition Softbound Very Good , glossy paper covers, 120 pp., selected bibliography, 50 full-page b/w plates. ""Witnesses to Hsitory" not only gives us an overview of the major currents of Jewish history of the past two hundred years, but it also vividly demontrates the power of the poster to bring us into intimate contact with a particluar event....We can feel the urgency of the needs expressed in the children"s lottery poster of 1918 or the dangers and threatimplied on the anti-religious posters of Stalinist Russia. The many languages and styles untilized in the posters gives us a vivid picture of the upheaval, migrations, and traumas of Jewish life of the past two centuries. " Well documented and with translations ofd foreign language texts. .."