Work Provides Us With Food, Dignity and Freedom

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Work provides us with food, dignity and freedom - Herzl  
Admin Notes

The Curator Note refers to the time that you had only a half poster. Now you display the full complete poster .It is time to change the Note. Here is my suggestion to the Curator Note: Poster No. 105 in the Gabiel and Maxim Shamir Collection at the Zionist Central Archive in Jerusalem is somewhat bizarre: A portrait of Herzl and a title: "50 Years to the Death" – without indicating the name of the deceased. The Hebrew date at the date the bottom of the poster is also incomplete. Fifteen years later, this mystery is clarified: Poster No. 105 is half a poster. The other half is in the Palestine Poster Project Archive. The Shenkar Institute of Graphics in Israel has merged the two halves (displayed here). The complete title is:" 50 Years to the Death of Benyamin Zeev Herzl". The Hebrew date is also complete .Facing Herzl's portrait is a quotation: "Work provides us with food, dignity and freedom"

Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 2:28 AM (17 hours ago) Dan, Let us try to locate the following poster. Search Search in Progress. It is in the second line, first on the left. The poster has Hebrew text, no illustration. Blue and light blue. The head line is: Benyamin Zeev Herzl. The quotation says: Work provides us with food, dignity and freedom At the bottom of the poster: Incomplete Hebrew date of Herzl's death This is half a poster. The other half is in the Gabriel and Maxim Shamir Collection at the Zionist Central Archive. When you attach both halves, the headline reads: 50 years to the passing away of Benyamin Zeev Herzl. Under the headline there is a portrait of Herzl and complete Hebrew date. Yoram