World Truth League - 1

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Badil office, Bethlehem - 2010
Admin Notes

1949 posters Inbox x SALIM TAMARI 8:17 AM (2 hours ago) to me, Rochelle Dear Dan and Rochelle These two posters are dated 1949, and not 1980 as listed in the poster project. This is a better copy and you can use it on the site The originals belong to George al Ama from Beitlahem. I think the date is significant because this makes them the EARLIEST posters on refugees and the right of return that I know of. Note that the posters are dated november and december so there may be more in the series. Salim Begin forwarded message: poster-RightToReturn1949-Nada.pdf 689K View Download Rochelle Davis 8:11 AM (2 hours ago) to SALIM, me Amazing. Re-writes the history of posters. For another image in the series, see Marcy's post about these posters at Badil-- and she's got some suggestions as to who: It also seems that A.F. Albina was part of this World Truth League. Salim -- do you think any of the Albina's that you know would know more?