Write For Rights - Farid and Issa

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Farid al-Atrash and Issa Amro want an end to Israeli settlements – a war crime stemming from Israel’s 50-year occupation of Palestinian land. Israel has made many parts of the occupied territories no-go zones for Palestinians, making it impossible for them to move about freely. By contrast, Jewish Israeli settlers are free to go where they wish. Dedicated to non-violence, Farid and Issa brave constant threats and attacks by Israeli soldiers and settlers. Issa encourages Palestinian youths to find non-violent ways to oppose Israel’s occupation and discriminatory laws in Hebron. For this, Israeli forces have arrested him more than once. They have beaten, blindfolded, and interrogated him. “The Israeli occupation forces target us to silence us,” he says. Farid, a lawyer who exposes abuses by the Palestinian and Israeli authorities, faces similar harassment. In February 2016, Farid and Issa joined a peaceful protest in the city of Hebron marking 22 years since Israel first closed one of its streets, al-Shuhada, to Palestinians. Hebron’s 200,000 Palestinians are effectively held hostage by the 800 Israeli settlers who live in its centre. The men now face ludicrous charges clearly designed to obstruct their human rights work. Source: Amnesty International
Admin Notes

Re: New message via your website, from ppparchives@gmail.com






Rebecca Hendin

6:53 AM (8 hours ago)


to me


Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from iggyanny00@yahoo.com




Hi Dan,


Thank you for your email! So nice of you to say all this. I really appreciate it.


I imagine that you're free to use my Amnesty art as you like for this sort of thing as it's not for profit, but to be sure I'd email the team behind Amnesty's Write For Rights campaign to find out. You can tell them I said I was happy for it to be used, but thought you'd need their permission as well.


The best Amnesty contact to email for this would probably be Shiromi Pinto - shiromi.pinto@amnesty.org.


Let me know what she says! If you end up using it, just drop me a line with the link when it's up :)





Rebecca Hendin

Illustrator + Cartoonist + Animator

London, England

Twitter: @HendinArts

Insta: @rebeccahendin

Tel: +447712543952




On Saturday, 14 April 2018 19:39:47 BST, wrote:



You have a new message:
Via: https://www.rebeccahendin.com/
Message Details:

Name Dan Walsh
Email ppparchives@gmail.com
Subject AI/Palestine
Message To begin....MAD RESPECT! for your work. As an artist myself I am entranced by the richness of your pallete and as a thinking person I am (continuously) delighted by your mind and wit. My Q 4 U: I curate the Palestine Poster Project Archives: http://www.palestineposterproject.org We would like to add your AI/Palestine graphic ... but it carries a copyright symbol. PPPA does not/cannot host copyrighted material. Is there some way to protect your intersts/rights and still host the poster? If yes, we would be honored to add it and any other Palestine work you do. In solidarity, Dan

Sent on: 14 April, 2018
Thank you!







Dan Walsh

10:59 AM (4 hours ago)


to Rebecca






Dearest Rebecca,

So good to hear from you. I meant everything I said about your work.


As a strict operating principle we never ask for permission to use any Palestine posters for PPPA. We consider our work

combat and the lawyers can figure out which side of history we stood on when the sturggle is over.


We wrote to you because PPPA is an artist-centered site - it exists for and because of the work of artists - and we list artists names first in the

data and their websites first in the Related Links as a way of reminding ourselves who got us here. We also operate entirely within the principles of "fair use" ... see our FAQ's

for more. The point I was trying to make was that if we put your AI poster up "as is" we will be swamped with all kinds of inquiries from students, journalists, et. al., asking about "permissions" because of the copyright symbol. There are no copyright symbols on any of the 12,000 posters at PPPA and that is deliberate.


What we can do is photoshop out the symbol but artist-to-artist we would never alter a work without artist approval. Do you have a version of the work without the copyright symbol?


viva Palestina!






Rebecca Hendin

11:06 AM (4 hours ago)


to me


Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from iggyanny00@yahoo.com




Hi Dan,


I'd definitely say get in touch with Amnesty International if you want to use the art, and it would be their call what is OK to do with it.


Thank you!





Rebecca Hendin

Illustrator + Cartoonist + Animator

London, England

Twitter: @HendinArts

Insta: @rebeccahendin

Tel: +447712543952












Message To begin....MAD RESPECT! for your work. As an artist myself I am entranced by the richness of your pallete and as a thinking person I am (continuously) delighted by your mind and wit. My Q 4 U: I curate the Palestine Poster Project Archives: http://www. palestineposterproject.org We would like to add your AI/Palestine graphic ... but it carries a copyright symbol. PPPA does not/cannot host copyrighted material. Is there some way to protect your intersts/rights and still host the poster? If yes, we would be honored to add it and any other Palestine work you do. In solidarity, Dan

Sent on: 14 April, 2018
Thank you!




Dan Walsh

3:25 PM (2 minutes ago)


to Rebecca







mad respect,



