Ya Basta! - Intifada!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: This image is not, strictly speaking, a poster. It is a stencil. However, the parallels and similarities that stencils share with posters renders them, in my opinion, sufficiently similar to justify their inclusion at this site. Stencils are an extension of the poster, in effect, and derive both their content and context directly from the tradition of the modern graphic poster. Stencils, like posters, are posted publicly, often right next to or right over posters. They also use an ink-like vehicle, paint, to construct the image/message. The stencil form is usually paper or cardboard, the same material used to print posters. Moreover, many of the artists who create stencils also create posters, even to the point that the same image is available as both a poster and a stencil. DJW

A poster version of this image may be viewed here.

Admin Notes

From: josh@justseeds.org
Subject: Re: Autonomy vs. Independence...
Date: April 11, 2010 10:40:39 PM EDT
To: liberation@igc.orgsounds like a plan, and makes total sense!

On Apr 11, 2010, at 10:25 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Hey Josh,

Nehad is one of my classmates at Georgetown. She is Palestinian and she approves all my translations of Arabic and interpretations of iconography, etc. She is a treasure!

Here is the exchange we had about " Autonomy vs. Independence" in which I learned a lot. Palestinians don't do "autonomy" but in the context of a poster fusing Palestinian-Zapatista solidarity it does make sense. I will add a clarifying note and change the title as Nehad recommends.

You cool with all this?

I uploaded Favianna's poster and wrote to her. Thanks, brother.




Begin forwarded message:

From: Nehad Khader
Date: April 11, 2010 10:09:53 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Cc: Rochelle Davis
Subject: Re: Autonomy vs. Independence...

So this is my take--

In Arabic autonomy is "hukm thaatee" which is unwanted by the Palestinian because it entails autonomy under Israeli sovereignty. The word in the autonomia poster is "istiqlaal" which is definitely independence, not autonomy. However, the Zapatista movement has long demanded AUTONOMY for local democratic rule and control over resources in Chiapas within Mexico, and for a more representative form of democratic rule over all of Mexico. My hunch is that the American artist is using the Zapatista demand for autonomy in English and Spanish and the Arabic Istiqlaal or independence for the Palestinian narrative, given that the poster tries to connect the issues.

For this poster I would suggest you write Arabic translation: Independence. If you agree with this I can stick that right in.

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Q: Within the Palestinian discourse is there any qualitative difference between the terms "autonomy" and "independence" or "sovereignty"?

Wehr does not list "autonomy" as a term under the verb ql, from which independence is derived.

My curiosity was piqued because back in the 80's the when the PLO was engaged in its campaign for legitimization as the sole representative of the Palestinian people the term "self-rule" and "self-government" "hukm thaatee" were repudiated out of hand as code for bantustanism and merely symbolic government, not sovereignty or independence.

This is the poster that sparked my interest:


Here is one that dismisses "self-administration":


I have copies of both in the PPPA and the artists are both comrades.

I guess what I am asking is: are "autonomy" and "independence" synonymous in Palestinian political discourse?

I think not.


Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Out now! Paper Politics is a collection of 200 political prints by 200 artists from around the world. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
60 posters and running...

Initial publication was 2003, but a number of different versions have been produced, from shirts to stickers to flyers.

The version I sent without the white was simply an off-print, I wanted to send you 2, but I only had one left with both colors!!!!


On Apr 9, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:


Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Out now! Paper Politics is a collection of 200 political prints by 200 artists from around the world. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
60 posters and running...

From: josh@justseeds.org
Subject: Re: your new Special Collection at the PPPA site...
Date: April 8, 2010 9:03:33 AM EDT
To: liberation@igc.org

On Apr 8, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:


I spent the last half hour intending to correct the spelling of your name at the site. Simple task, right?

I was able to correct it in the "Artists" section, but for reasons that escape me, the Special Collection will not, and I tried several work arounds, allow me to change the lower case P to upper case. It continually returns to the original mispelling. This is an issue I have not faced before. I'll raise it with my webmistress.

Do YOU have any ideas why Drupal won't let me correct a mispelling?


On Apr 8, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Josh MacPhee wrote:

Hey Dan-
OK, here's some clarifying info on the Justseeds collection:

1) My name is spelled with a capital P, so it should be "MacPhee"

2) There are 2 posters in the collection from the Montreal-based Tadamon! group, which have no real connection to Justseeds other than the fact that we help them sell one of the posters, and the other showed up on our blog. I think for archival purposes, it is incorrect to say they are "Justseeds" posters. These are "Boycott Israeli Apartheid, 2009" and "Sanctions on Israel, 2008"

3) Although we are friends with Jared Davidson and the Garage Collective in New Zealand, like the above, I think it is technically incorrect to consider his 2 posters "Justseeds." Justseeds is a strange beast, as our blog (and sometimes what we sell) aggregates political artwork from around the world, yet technically we are a closed artist cooperative/collective with 25 members. I think most people in the group would only consider something a "Justseeds project" if one of the 25 members worked on it. Make sense??

4) Erik Ruin has 12 plague posters, yet you only have 5 of them on the site. You should really get the other 7. His new contact is: erikruin@gmail.com
His plague posters were produced in connection with the theatre production "Olive on the Sedar Plate" which shows up in other places in the archive- see Courtney Daley

5) Jesus Barraza, Melanie Cervantes, and Favianna Rodriguez ARE all members of Justseeds, and their work in the archive could (and should?) be correctly tagged as such.

6) The "Autonomy" poster I sent you (with the Palestinian and the Zapatista) is not up on the site, does it not fit some criteria of the archive? or just not uploaded yet?

7) What are the site definitions of "Poster"?? Because I definitely set you images before of other designs I created which have become postcards and stickers. Do those not count for the archive? I actually think I sent you a little pile of postcards and stickers in that tube, right?


On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:


Grow this puppy by:

1) Pointing out any posters now at the PPPA site either don't credit you at all or credit someone else incorrectly (there may not be any of these but...one never knows)

2) Send me jpegs of any other/new/old posters you have done on Palestine/Israel and they will go into your SC straightaway.

Please check your data, i.e., publications dates, dimensions, etc.

Looks good, I say,



On Apr 7, 2010, at 10:21 AM, Josh MacPhee wrote:

Yeah, I like that poster too, not sure why it never got used...maybe I'll make some digital prints of it...

bulldozer images courtesy of google image search!!!

I often print out and redraw them...


On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:22 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:

image you used for this poster, which, by the way, I think is a masterpiece. I can't understand why it was never published.



Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Out now! Paper Politics is a collection of 200 political prints by 200 artists from around the world. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
60 posters and running...

Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Out now! Paper Politics is a collection of 200 political prints by 200 artists from around the world. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
60 posters and running...

Artist-run political art cooperative and blog

Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Out now! Paper Politics is a collection of 200 political prints by 200 artists from around the world. Pick up a copy today!

The Celebrate People's History Poster Series
60 posters and running...