Yishuv Tax – Defense of the Countryside and the Frontier

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Yishuv tax – defense of the countryside and the frontier Member of the Hebrew Yishuv! Fulfill your duty to the security of the YishuvDonate the Yishuv Tax This no charity! This is the citizen's duty to the nation and the country Fixed and obligatory tariff for donations!The controller committee will sue anyone who deviates from the tariff Give away your jewelry! – for equipment in the fight Giving your jewelry does not replace your donation, it is an addition to your donation
Admin Notes

Here are the exclamtion marks.

From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:24 AM
To: Yoram E. Shamir
Subject: did I guess correctly where the exclamation point goes?


On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Yoram E. Shamir wrote:

Title: Yishuv Tax –defense of the countryside and the frontier [ No exclamation mark here]
Note: The name of the tax in Hebrew is kofer ha-yishuv. Literally it means 'ransom of the Yishuv ', but it does not make sense. I therefore call it tax. In the following text it is called donation but it is enforced like a tax.
yishuv is settlement in Hebrew , used as the name of the Jewish community in Palestine in the pre-state era.

Text: Member of the Hebrew Yishuv! Fulfill your duty to the security of the Yishuv. Donate the Yishuv Tax. This no charity! This is the citizen's duty to the nation and the country.
Fixed and obligatory tariff for donations! The controller committee will sue anyone who deviates from the tariff.
Give away your jewelry! for equipment in the fight. Giving your jewelry does not replace your donation, it is an addition to your donation.

Dan Walsh 2:20 PM (2 hours ago)

Yoram E. Shamir
4:53 PM (22 minutes ago)

to me
Title: Yishuv Tax –defense of the countryside and the frontier
Note: The name of the tax in Hebrew is kofer ha-yishuv. Literally it means 'ransom of the Yishuv ', but it does not make sense. I therefore call it tax. In the following text it is called donation but it is enforced like a tax.
yishuv is settlement in Hebrew , used as the name of the Jewish community in Palestine in the pre-state era.

Text: Member of the Hebrew Yishuv, Fulfill your duty to the security of the Yishuv. Donate the Yishuv Tax. This no charity. This is the citizen's duty to the nation and the country.
Fixed and obligatory tariff for donations. The controller committee will sue anyone who deviates from the tariff.
Give away your jewelry – for equipment in the fight. Giving your jewelry does not replace your donation, it is an addition to your donation.

Year: 1938
Publisher: Yishuv Security Committee