The Left Front was a coalition of three groups that ran in the 1944 elections to the Assembly of Representatives in Palestine: Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard), Haliga Hasocialistit (The Socialist League), Poalei Zion Smol (Workers of Zion-Left). In 1973, another, different coalition of political groups used the same name in its campaign in the elections to the Histadrut
302 Election posters – HaShomer Ha-Tzair – Yochanan Simon 08. Posters
Three small election posters by HaShomer HaTzair party. Two are signed Y.S. [Yochanan Simon] and the third is unsigned but is probably also by Simon. Two of the posters are in color the third is in brown color.
Sizes: two are 34x49 cm, the third is 32x47 cm. Very good condition. The color Simon poster is on thick cardboard, the other one has folding signs and filing holes. The unsigned poster has folding lines.
Opening- $250 Sold for-$320ps
Dan Walsh
9:32 PM (14 hours ago)
to Yoram
referring to the same poster .... does the signature at bottom indicate that it is by Yohanan Simon?
Yoram E. Shamir
9:14 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Yes, you are right.
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:22 PM
To: Yoram E. Shamir
Subject: maybe you have illuminated some errors I am creating?–-the-left-front
To begin, I do not expect you to write a long detailed history of Hashomer or Left Front. One word responses are fine.Just like testifying in court.
OK...I made your changes BUT...I am still confused.
Q: The original text that came in with this poster said it was Hashomer.
Yes? No? What original text?
Q: I think the Left Front and Hashomer are two very different puppies, yes? Yes.
Q: Here is another "Left Front" poster I have categorized with Hashomer. Am I confusing two different groups? Yes.
The Left Front was a coalition of three grous who ran in the 1944 elections to the Assembly of Representatives in Palestine: Hashomer Hatzair (The young guard), Haliga Hasocialistit
(The Socialist League)), Poalei Zion Smol ( Workers of Zion left).
In 1973, another coalition of political groups used the same name in its campaign in the elections to the Histadrur.