my comments in blue
Dan Walsh
1:11 PM (17 hours ago)
to Bashar
ya Bashar,
Good to hear from you.
Suggestion: Forward the paragraph about the Nasser poster to Zeina Masri. She is the curator of that site/archives. Maybe she can send you a close up of the signature and that would solve (mumkin?) the mystery. If it IS signed "Shammout" in Latin letters ... then we would have a real mystery on our hands, mazboot?
"Zeina Maasri" ,
Also...if you could (always) send me the url's for the images under discussion that helps prevent errors (and me having to do things over again because I guessed at which poster was under discussion)
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Bashar Shammout wrote:
Dear Dan,
I have checked with my mother the poster of Gamal Abdul-Nasser. As I said, this is definitely not by my dad. I also don’t find his signature. If the signature on the lower right corner should tell “Shammout” in Latin letters (can’t read it clearly), then for sure it is not him. He never signed in Latin latters, only in Arabic. Besides, he never made any posters for any political party, although he portrayed a few leader, among them Gamal Abdul-Nasser in 1970 when he died.
The other issue with the 7 paintings (and not posters):
1. The first painting is indeed named “The Spring That Was”, but it dates back to 1960 (not 1970)
I know which one this is and I have already made your corrections. Done. THANK YOU!
2. Title: “Three Tales”, date: 1970
Got URL?
3. Title: “The Land Of Plenty”, date: 1970
Got URL?
4, 5, 6 & 7 belong to the “Tal Al-Zaatar” collection, which he had created with water colors in a hotel room in former Eastern Berlin as he was awaiting a first possibility to return back to sieged Beirut in which the massacre of Tal Al-Zaater had just happened then in 1976. That is why you can see “DDR 76” just below his signature, indicating the date (1976) and the place “DDR” (the initials of the German translation of ‘German Democratic Republic’).
Got URLs? Once I know exactly which posters these are I will make a new Special Collection and send you the url so you can check my work, tayyib?
Note: Because these posters are not in a numbered set they can move around. Sometimes one will be in the first slot and the next time you visit it will be somewhere else (in that same Special Collection. This is why I need urls.
It is an honor to work with your father's art.
Hope to have helped you with this..
Warmest regards
Gesendet: Freitag, 08. März 2013 um 14:06 Uhr
Von: "Dan Walsh"
An: "Bashar Shammout"
Betreff: Re: New Shammout posters
akeed...take even THREE days!
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Bashar Shammout wrote:
Hi Dan,
I really appriciate your work on this project. So please give me a day or two, and I'll ask my mother about the poster and the paintings and will get back to you.
Gesendet: Freitag, 08. März 2013 um 13:23 Uhr
Von: "Dan Walsh"
An: "Bashar Shammout"
Betreff: New Shammout posters
ya Bashar,
Can you help me with the actual/real titles of these posters?
Were they published by the PLO?
What year, ya'ni?
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. – Alice Walker
Bashar Shammout
6:19 AM (7 minutes ago)
to zm05, me
Dear Zeina,
Dan has suggested approaching you with regard to the mentioned poster in this email below of Gamal Abdul Nasser.
As you may know, my late father, Ismail Shammout has never signed in Latin letters which is a fact on the poster. Yet, there are indeed other 3 cousins of his who also studied fine arts in Cairo during that period. So it might be one of those who may have created this poster and signed in Latin letters.
Does this help you?
Gesendet: Montag, 11. März 2013 um 18:11 Uhr
Von: "Dan Walsh"
An: "Bashar Shammout"
Betreff: my comments in blue
Zeina Maasri
2:05 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
I meant this link
Forgot to paste it
I have the poster and it is signed shammout. It might be from an old painting he had while doing his studies in Egypt. ya Zeina...been viewing your GREAT site...
Dan Walsh
Mar 3 (5 days ago)
to Zeina
ya Zeina,
Just now discovering the depth and beauty of your site. Mabrook! I am disciplining myself not to race through and look at everything all at one...opening just a few every day...what works in there! I have created a new Special Collection at PPPA for Signs of Conflict Archives (link above) and will add to it over time.
A professor at Georgetown described it to me ages ago and finding it has always been a secret challenge of mine. THANK YOU!
I have added the SOC link and given SOC provenance credit as wall. What do you think of us each linking the others site on our home pages? I think it is a great idea.
Have you seen this?’s-revolutionary-posters
So many people sending me in posters...I am literally up to my neck in new/old works. I have enough jpegs/posters on hand to easily break the 10,000 entry just takes time and patience to put them all up.
This just came in yesterday from Vladimir Tamari and Kama Boulatta.
Every day, old stories...important works being re-discovered and long-suppressed histories being unfolded. If I were a Zionist I would outlaw the jpeg and proscribe the internet.
in solidarity,
Mask no difficulties, mistakes or failures. Claim no easy victories. — Amilcar Cabral
Zeina Maasri
1:23 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
Hello Dan,
I'm glad you enjoy signs of conflict and keep on coming back..
The way my site is designed I don't think I can add a link to yours on the homepage, I will have to go back to the developers to do some changes for this purpose. I don't have a budget for this now. perhaps later on I could do that. For the time being I will gladly give your site prominence on my links page.
You could include a link to my site in your special collections page archives column.
this link you sent is not working
yalla ya'tikk alf a'fieh for the marvelous work you do for Palestine.. :-)
By the way, are you sure that all the posters where Abdelkeh is listed as author are his. Some are not signed, did you ask him directly?
Dan Walsh
6:23 PM (11 hours ago)
to Zeina
Hi Zeina,
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the thousand blessings too!
1) This link works perfectly on this end:
Let me know if you still have trouble with it, tayyib?
2) If/When that link opens you'll see I credit SOC in three places per page: Provenance, SpC and Related Links which is a hot link right to SOC home page.
3) "By the way, are you sure that all the posters where Abdelkeh is listed as author are his. Some are not signed, did you ask him directly?" al you have an email address for him? I would love for him to vet the PPPA and his posters. I never guess at the artists' names. If I cannot read the signature I leave it blank. If some trusted rafeeqs such as Hosni Radwan, Sliman Mansour or Kamal Boulatta say it is by so-and-so I always accept that. Of course, everyone can make mistakes so the best approach is to have the actual artist look things over, mazboot?
4) Speaking of credits, Ismail Shammout's son, Bashar says that this poster is not by his father:
I sort of see a signature that ends in "T"... can you access the poster or a hi res file? Would be interesting to see what it says.
I now have enough posters to break the 10,000 mark...more pouring in every day. Plus old works emerging and more and more people are donating their private collections. Ebay is also great.
I am saying that with enough time and some support, we may be able to reconstruct almost the entire record of the Palestine poster.
That would be a first.
Zeina Maasri
2:05 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
I meant this link
Forgot to paste it
I have the poster and it is signed shammout. It might be from an old painting he had while doing his studies in Egypt. ya Bashar...I LOVE this poster by your Dad...
Dan Walsh 11:15 AM (22 hours ago) -- Mask no difficu...
Bashar Shammout
9:05 AM (47 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Dan,
hope you're doing fine..
No, unfortunately this is not a poster by my dad. It is indeed a very authentic one, but don't know who created it.
Warmest regards
Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. März 2013 um 17:15 Uhr
Von: "Dan Walsh"
An: "Bashar Shammout"
Betreff: ya Bashar...I LOVE this poster by your Dad...on the Nasser poster....
Dan Walsh
6:05 AM (7 minutes ago)
to Bashar
ya Bashar,
I wrote to Zeina Masri, the curator of the Signs of Conflict archives.
I told her that you believed this poster was not by your father.
Here is her response:
I have the poster and it is signed shammout. It might be from an old painting he had while doing his studies in Egypt. Zeina"
I believe her. Do you?