Youth Journalists for Human Rights

Admin Notes

P1020687 DWPO.2010b.057 Youth Journalists Bailasan Palestine Sharek Youth Forum Palestine Aug-10 48.1 x 66.9 Youth, education, journalism, human rights Hands on right gripping each other, colorful tabs horizontal across the poster contain a different principle of this project Youth Journalists for Human Rights/ International Journalism for Human Rights/ 1948 [vert, right, in Arabic]/ [thirty principles for this organizations are listed in their entirety, center right, in Arabic]/ Sharek Youth Forum/ "Youth Journalists for Human Rights"/ project iimplemented by Sharek Youth/ Forum and funded by the European Union [LL, with Sharek & EU logos]/ Bailasan [vert, LL, with logo]/. إعلاميون شباب من أجل حقوق الإنسان\ الإعلام العالمي لحقوق الإنسان\ 1948\ منتدى شارك الشبابي\ مشروع (إعلاميون شباب من أجل حقوق\ الإنسان) المنفذ من قبل منتدى شارك الشبابي\ والممول من الاتحاد الأوروبي\ بيلسان\. Poster Arabic Dan Walsh