Begin forwarded message:
From: Eric Zakim
Date: April 4, 2010 2:44:29 AM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: 2 q's....
On Apr 3, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:
1) what do you suppose the letter in the upper right hand corner mean? They are on several Kumah posters so I know it is deliberate.
The letters form an acronym for the Aramaic phrase "be-si'ata dashmiya" which means roughly "with the help of heaven (god)" and is used mostly at the beginning of texts. It's a religious thing.
2) If, as you have said repeatedly, "Zionism is passe. It is over. It is dead" or words to that effect, how come Kumah did not get the word? I (still) really want to discuss this issue, the passe-ness of Zionism, at length with you someday. If you are up for that.
This is not really what I have said. I said that with the primary objective of Zionism completed in 1948 the movement then had to cast around to justify its continued meaning and to make itself still relevant as a political movement. Even the Kumah people realize this in the poster you sent me and call themselves "neo-Zionists." What's the "neo" there for if not as an attempt to reinvent and revitalize the notion, this time with obvious religious connotation, which it never had in any of the years leading up to 48. Obviously they did get the word, which explains too the message: another attempt at revitalization.
PS: Look at this honey that came to my attention via the unsolicited intrusion of Farkash Gallery using my contact info even after I SPECIFICALLY told him not to so, fuck him, I am having the watermark removed and the poster added to the site. I find the co-listing of "Eretz Israel (Palestine)" fascinating.