Zionist Settler Entity

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

Lasair Dhearg unveiled a mural in recent days dedicated to the continued heroism and bravery of the Palestinian resistance fighters continuing to oppose the genocidal occupation of their lands by western backed Zionists.

The mural was unveiled on the corner of Falcarragh Drive and Suffolk Road in Lenadoon, Belfast. This is an area which itself has long experienced the consequences of imperialist occupation and as such continues to stand in solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world.

The event was chaired by Pádraic MacCoitir, political ex-prisoner and Leas-Cathaoirleach Lasair Dhearg, who introduced the main speaker, activist and member of Lasair Dhearg’s Belfast branch, Amy Rafferty. This was followed by a recitation of a poem written and delivered by Lasair Dhearg Belfast member Aindriú Mac Ruaidhrí.

