Zochrot - Israel Independence Day - 2012

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

On Wednesday, Israel celebrated its 64th Day of Independence. While hundreds of thousands celebrated, the police arrested three activists for trying to question the history of this day. Each year the Israeli organization Zochrot organizes a discussion a symbolic peaceful action on this day to commemorate the Nakba. Nakba in Arabic means the “Catastrophe” (of 1948) and refers to the destruction of more than 500 Palestinian villages, the expulsion of two thirds of the Palestinian population from the land that became Israel, and Israel’s refusal to allow the refugees to return. This year, while the discussion was underway, police surrounded the building in advance, set up a barrier and detained the activists without letting them leave the building grounds for over two hours. One man, Yuval Halperin, was arrested when he arrived on site and began reading out loud names of destroyed Palestinian villages. Meanwhile, a religious nationalistic march went by. Passersby heckled and threatened the activists, caught inside the police barrier. They were not detained.Source: The Real News Networkhttp://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&I...

Admin Notes

Eitan Bronstien eitan@zochrot.org
10:23 AM (26 minutes ago)

to me
It’s beautiful!

From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 8:40 PM
To: Eitan@zochrot.org
Subject: sorry...I forgot to add the url...here it is...DanEitan Bronstien eitan@zochrot.org
10:23 AM (22 minutes ago)

to me
It’s beautiful!

From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 8:40 PM
To: Eitan@zochrot.org
Subject: sorry...I forgot to add the url...here it is...DanI salute the courage of Zochrot....

Dan Walsh
1:14 PM (16 hours ago)

to Eitan
Dear Friends,

I have added a page to the PPPA site about the prohibition of the Zochrot posters/cards with the names of disappeared Palestinian villages.

I also added The Real News link: http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&I...

Q: Can you send me jpegs of the actual posters/cards that were to be placed on the street?

I will add them to the PPPA site. If you have any links you would like to add just let me know.

in solidarity,

Dan Walsh, Archivist PPPA

Eitan Bronstien eitan@zochrot.org
5:22 AM (47 minutes ago)

to me
Dear Dan,

Thank you for this interesting poster!
Attached a file with all the cards we wanted to post in the square.
You could add Aljazeera report:


From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 8:14 PM
To: Eitan@zochrot.org
Subject: I salute the courage of Zochrot....