
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Germant translation: We struggle together (Zusammen kampfen)  Curator's note: This is a poster from a Swiss school book. The Palestinian references are found in the Palestinian flag in the middle left hand side of the poster, the several kaffiyeh's (Arabic: headdress) the PFLP logo and the image of Leila Khaled, among others ___________________________ Hoch die Kampf dem 20 Jahre Plakate autonomer Bewegungen Verlag Libertäre Assoziation ISBN 3-922611-73-7 _______________________ Vorwärts bis zum Nieder mit 30 Jahre Plakate unkontrollierter bewegungen HKS 13 Assoziation a ISBN 3-935936-05-2  
Admin Notes

Comrade Richard... Inbox x Dan Walsh Mar 27 (6 days ago) http://www.palestineposterproject.org/source/gift-from-richard-frick ...pleas... richard frick 5:11 AM (12 hours ago) Hello Dan This are the books: Hoch die Kampf dem 20 Jahre Plakate autonomer B... Dan Walsh 7:33 AM (10 hours ago) Brother Richard, Thanks for your sterling solidarity. May I ask you to addres... richard frick 2:24 PM (3 hours ago) to me Hello Comrade The titles are difficult to translate for me because it's a word game. I have a friend who speaks perfect English. I ask him. Below is my translation in red. The autors of the book are Markus Mohr and Klaus Viehmann. The most of the posters are from Germany. Greetings from comrade Richard Am 01.04.2012 um 13:33 schrieb Dan Walsh: Brother Richard, Thanks for your sterling solidarity. May I ask you to address three issues? 1) I have added your text exactly as you sent it: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/zusammen I don't speak German and this is how Google Translate translated the titles (which I know is wrong) and I ask if you can send me a good translation of the two titles: Vorwärts bis zum Nieder mit = Forward to Down with (Google German) Forward until down with Hoch die Kampf dem = Long live the struggle (Maybe good translation?) High the struggles to 2) Can you tell me WHICH of the nine posters came from WHICH book? I will see 3) Is there any information in the back of these books ABOUT the images? Does it say anything about WHO created the posters or WHERE they were photographed? Probably not, but good, subversive, revolutionary archival documentation requires me to ask you anyway, right? No, these posters are from autonomous organizations. I could send you the year and the country of publication. The organist ions are on the poster. Among the designers, there are no details.